Friday, December 18, 2009


praise jeebus!! today we got out of school early for snow and weather reasons. i guess im just gonna go to work and read "flash Cs3 for dummys" cover to cover. maybe ill be able to do some cool things after i read it.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

uploading files....

Today I finally figured out how to use the wiki. I learned to upload videos from viddler and how to put them on my teams wiki page. I also learned how to put a picture on my team's wiki page. it took a while but now i am good to go with the wiki. :D

Friday, December 11, 2009


i messed around with flash and the wiki. i had to re-record our teams paper prototyping video because the sound quality on the first was bad. I tried to figure out how to upload the video to the wiki... but couldn't.(any one who can, please let me know how too). i hate the wiki. it is too unorganized. i cant wait until the game starts rolling.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Paper Prototyping

today we finished our drawings for our first presentation. we used paper prototyping to show the basic ideas of the game. the other teams had more complicated games but over all i believe ours with come out on top.